Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Pattaya Nightlife - Hedonism, Dreams and Illusions

Pattaya is Thailand's biggest beach destination. Located just two hours from Bangkok, this city by the Gulf of Thailand continues to attract thousands every month from all over the world. What's not to like? Beach, sun and sand. Great entertainment, great food and great nightlife. It's the latter that is the biggest draw for both hopeful foreign men and Thai girls alike.
Pattaya's nightlife is like no other. The city has been referred to as Sin City, but dig a little deeper, and you will find Pattaya has a lot more to offer than outdoor bars and gogo's.
It's always going to be about sex, love and lust though. Pattaya girls are rightly famous around the world for their ability to make men feel like kings, strong, young, desired.

I have travelled much of the world, but there is nowhere like Pattaya. The number of attractive - and single - women in one location is just mind blowing. Walk down a street at night in Pattaya - any random street - and you will know what I mean.
Pattaya is a place of opportunity, of fresh starts in life. You never know what may happen when you leave your room here. Go outside smile at a girl, make small talk, and take it from there. It may come to nothing or it may end up in nights with the best sex you ever had. You may have met your future wife, but you don't know it yet. Whatever you are looking for in Pattaya, there is a good chance you will find it.
Pattaya can seem like an adult playground. Both the guys and the girls seem most interested in the pursuit of instant pleasure and gratification, but there are many who have other dreams in Pattaya. Many foreign men would like to meet a girlfriend or wife and so do many Thai women. The girls dream of their Prince to carry them away to far away countries, or at least a trip in Thailand! I've seen many happy couples over the years who met in Pattaya. I've also seen many bad relationships.
It's easy to live an illusion here and new guys seem most susceptible to getting involved with the wrong kind of girl.
If you would like to know more about Pattaya girls, where to meet them, how to attract them, how to manage a relationship with a Thai gir, then you're very wellcome to check out my ebook 'Pattaya Girls 101', written by men who lived in Pattaya and know the score. You can find it here at my website: http://pattayagirls101.com. See you soon!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4568846
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