Saturday, October 5, 2013

What You May Not Know About Bar Girls in Thailand

Where do These Girls Come From?
The girls that work in the beer bars and Go Go clubs in Thailand are from all over the country but a good majority of them come from a poor village called Isaan. Most of their families are farmers and the girls are uneducated. There is no other job in Thailand that would allow them to make the kind of money that they make to support themselves and their families besides working in these bars and providing services.
How do They get Started?
Prostitution in Thailand is definitely not considered a reputable occupation but it certainly is a popular one. Most of these girls catch a bus to Bangkok or Pattaya because they already have friends or relatives currently employed at one of the establishments there. They typically tell their families that they got a job in a hotel or restaurant and go and stay with someone that they know until they have the money to get their own place. Jobs are plentiful in these areas so adding on another girl to the payroll is never an issue.

Why do They Choose These Jobs?
While you may assume that these girls are being exploited, they work these jobs by choice. They can simply make money by working in the bar and selling drinks if they choose to and not provide services to customers but most feel as though the money is too good to pass up. These girls can easily make 1,000 Baht per hour but if they worked a traditional job in a factory, they would be very lucky if they made 200 Baht for an entire day.
Although some people have heard or assume that they are underage, this is not true either. Just because Thai girls seem to be blessed with timeless beauty does not mean that they are as young as they look. In fact, most of these girls are in their 20s and 30s, some even older. The majority of them come from broken relationships or marriages and even have a child that lives with their grandparents.
Bar Girls in Thailand really do minimal work for the money that they make. The majority of their time is spent in the bar, hanging out with people that they know, playing games and having a few drinks. While all of the girls may not enjoy every aspect of their job, they certainly do appreciate the money.

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